Ahhh.... okay, I was supposed to write a blog? Well here goes. Hi, welcome to my blog. I really wanted to build a website for my book but people owe me money and with all the doom and gloom about world recession, I decided to go for this option. It's free and it works.
The universe knows why things go the way they do. I remember my editor Joanne suggesting to me several months ago "why don't you put up a blog?" and I told her "naahh! I not able with all that...blogging thing", but here I am and I hope to post blogs that will inspire you to come back.
Well, until next time when I have something a little more......what is the word I trying to find? Anyway, google my title and order the book or go to Macmillan Caribbean website. If they say the books still crossing the Atlantic, tell them they sticking!

My book "Escape From Silk Cotton Forest" should be crossing the Atlantic as I write this welcome note and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am.
What started off as an idea for a movie is now a book, which I hope I can make into a movie among other things, eventually. I hope you enjoy your visit.

About the book...
The Kingdom of Ierie is rife with corruption, on the brink of another war and in need of a true leader.
Domino, a rebellious teenage Goan who seeks to avenge his mother’s murder, is the hero of this story. Right now he and his best friend Peenut are having a good time partying in Market Square, in the heart of the El Tucuche Forest.
He has no idea that a State of Emergency will be declared and that it will change his life forever. He also doesn’t know that La Diablesse; the evil ruler of the Silk Cotton Forest, will bewitch him and try to steal his soul and that he will have to battle Douens, Soucouyants and giant Moongazers in his quest for the one thing that can help him and two hundred prisoners escape.
He doesn’t know that he will be mortally wounded and that the Gods would have to intervene and that he will find love and his life’s true purpose. He doesn’t know any of this, so let's not tell him.
Reading Revolution
Escape From Silk Cotton Forest and The Chalice Project - 2 novels written by Francis Escayg and Lisa Allen-Agostini respectively for the 10-16 year old age group, is leading the charge in the Reading Revolution.
These are fantasy/fiction/sci-fi/folklore titles, written and designed to give our young people a healthy entertainment alternative, which would stimulate their creativity, engage their imaginations and allow them to create new worlds. These titles were edited by Joanne Johnson and published by Macmillan Caribbean.
With design and print support from Lonsdale/Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Ltd. we now have the Reading Revolution posters which will be distributed in libraries, schools, pizza parlours and just about everywhere we can expect to find our audience. Stay logged to this blog or you can Facebook me!
you didn't say please
I'm sorry....please.
much better, but shouldn't an author have had something more to say by now? ;)
But pulling your leg aside, I'm liking the premise of the story, think I will order it. Ohhhh a signed first edition copy of a bestseller sounds marvahlous by the way, thanks for offering
*grins wickedly*
Congratulations Francis! I've just heard from Macmillan that there is interest at a NY school to make Escape book of the month! Hopefully this will come with orders of large quantities and wider exposure for you and other IF authors...
oh that will be really great Joanne and then maybe I'll be able to fulfill GirlBlue's request.
Got my copy *coughautographcoughcough*
Thank you very much. You don't have to cough I'll oblige willingly.
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